नगरीय निकाय चुनावों के लिए नामांकन पत्र जमा करने की प्रक्रिया जारी है, और आगामी 25 तारीख को नामांकन पत्रों की जमा की अंतिम तिथि होगी। यह तिथि उम्मीदवारों के लिए बेहद महत्वपूर्ण है, क्योंकि इसके बाद नामांकन की प्रक्रिया बंद हो जाएगी। इस संबंध में चुनाव आयोग ने सभी संबंधित अधिकारियों को निर्देशित […]
Bemetara district is a newly constituted district of the state of Chhattisgarh, which was formed on January 1, 2012 after partition of the Durg district.
It is located on the northern side of the Durg district.
Total area of the district is 2854.81 sq. km. and the total population of the district is approximately 795759.
The boundary of the district is surrounded by 7 districts of Chhattisgarh state ie Durg, Raipur, Baloda Bazar, Bilaspur, Kawardha and Rajnandgaon.
The economy of this is based on agriculture. Almost 80% of the people in this work on their fields and farms. Another 10% are govt employees in various departments viz: education, irrigation, PWD and
FCIs. Along with them the Education deppt is dominating one. 10% peoples are involve in the business and real estate & retail sector.
The excise department of it is most dominant department in this such that it gives the around 5 crore of taxes to municipality .
- District
- Block in Bemetara
- Tehsil in Bemetara
- Nagar Nigam in Bemetara